Morpher is a mesh feature which helps you modify the reference mesh and have the modifications bounced back to the scene geometry. This way you can basically review the highpoly sculpting process after the lowpoly retopologized version was created. The Morpher can also be used for creating lowpoly versions of digitally sculpted blendshapes or for posing lowpoly geometries like their corresponding highpoly references.
Using Morpher
The Morpher interface is found under the selected mesh Inspector Panel.
In order to use the Morpher, you need to have a reference mesh loaded and a mesh attached to it, with some scene geometry created. First, you need to create a "snapshot" of the current mesh, by clicking Store in the Morpher dropdown panel. You'll get a visual confirmation on each scene vertex, a green dot means the data has been succesfully captured, otherwise, in case there was an error and Morpher couldn't find a relation between the vertex in question and the reference mesh surface, there will be a red dot over the vertex. To "fix" these vertices, you need to move each one a little bit and repeat the Store command.
After that, you can load another reference mesh you want to adjust the scene data to, accordingly to the new positions of the reference vertices. The new reference mesh has to have the exact same topology as the original one (vertices, edges and triangles count) in order for the Morpher features to work. Otherwise, the previously captured Morpher data ("snapshot") can't be used.
Next, move the mesh under the new reference mesh, so that it becomes its new parent.
To apply the changes to the mesh geometry and have Morpher adjust the vertices positions to follow and match the new reference mesh's features, click on the Apply button in the Morpher panel.
Another approach to use the Morpher is by replacing the current reference mesh with the new one, without loading it as a different reference mesh.
After you click on Store in the Morpher interface, execute Replace Reference Mesh from the File menu, or right click on the reference mesh in the Scene View and click on Replace in the popup menu.
Choose the new reference mesh as a replacement and then select the mesh and click on the Apply button in the Morpher panel. The mesh vertices will move to the new positions, accordingly to the changes made on the reference mesh.
Morpher can also be used to pose retopologized digital sculptures. It's easy to sculpt and retopologize the model in full symmetry and then create a pose for it and adjust any details, such as muscle flexing and wrinkles and then transfer all the modifications done to the retopologized lowpoly mesh by using the Morpher.